Parents and Child with Papers

Basics of Child Support Mediation

For parents facing a child support dispute, mediation can be a great way to resolve the issue without going to court. At Schipani, Norman & McLain, P.A., we understand how important it is for parents to resolve their child support disputes in a timely, fair, and cost-effective manner. Learn the basics of child support mediation and how to get started below.

What Is Child Support Mediation?

Child support mediation is a process that helps parents reach an agreement on the amount of child support that will be paid. Mediation is a voluntary process, meaning that both parents must agree to participate in order for it to work. During mediation, a neutral third-party mediator helps the parents work out an agreement that both parties can live with. The mediator does not make a decision on the amount of child support; instead, they help the parents come to an agreement on their own.

Benefits of Child Support Mediation

Mediation offers many benefits for parents who are trying to resolve a child support dispute.

Here are a few of the benefits of child support mediation:

  • It’s less expensive than going to court
  • It’s faster than going to court
  • It’s less adversarial than going to court
  • It allows both parents to have a say in the outcome
  • It can help reduce animosity between the parents

How Does Child Support Mediation Work?

Child support mediation typically follows a few steps:
  • The mediator will meet with both parents separately to discuss their individual needs and objectives
  • The mediator will then bring the parents together to discuss the details of the child support agreement
  • The mediator will help the parents come to an agreement that both parties can live with
  • Once the agreement is reached, the mediator will draft a written agreement that both parents must sign
  • Once the agreement is signed, it is legally binding and enforceable

When Should You Consider Child Support Mediation?

Child support mediation can be a great option for parents who are having difficulty reaching an agreement on the amount of child support. It is especially beneficial for parents who are able to communicate and are willing to work together to reach a resolution. It is also beneficial for parents who want to avoid the cost and time associated with going to court.

Get Help with the Basics of Child Support Mediation

If you’re facing a child support dispute in Sarasota, FL, Schipani, Norman & McLain, P.A. can help. Our experienced attorneys can provide you with the guidance and advice you need to reach a fair and timely resolution. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.